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Lot 1 - FARO 6 Axis 8ft CMM


Faro Arm 8Ft (2.4m) Titanium Model 6 Axis, includes; Tripod, Mag Base and Cam2 Measure Software.

This Arm has been cared for due to the owner being an SME, consulting for companies such as Bentley and Aston Martin.

This Generation of Faro Arm is considered to be the Flagship Models within the Metrology Fraternity.

Cam2 Measure software is a 3-D Cad based Software, with functions such as GD&T and many types of alignment which caters for all industries, you can report 2-D Geometry or 3-D Surface Deviation.

Large or small Volumes can be measured; the System is not limited to its 8Ft length, it is capable of measuring full Automotive Bodies down to small Brackets.

The equipment is in excellent condition

More information and training can be given upon request

Loads of Accessories, secure Hard Carry cases etc included.

* The purchaser shall at it's own costs be responsible for disconnecting, dismantling and removing items purchased from the auction location. If the purchaser is intending to export items purchased at the auction it shall be responsible at its own cost for ensuring compliance with all UK export conditions and the obtaining of any applicable Export Licences.

* Please note all dimensions stated are approximate, however the accuracy cannot be guaranteed and should be verified by the bidder before bidding.

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08 Sep 2011 15:30:00 BST