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Lot 5 - Air Powered Wet and Dry Industrial Vacuum


Manufacturer – K & A Furness Ltd - Oldham

This heavy duty unit is of a robust construction and designed for bulk handling applications.

The Jet-Vac mud vacuum cleaning system is placed on top of the receptacle. The powerful suction and exceptional performance is created when compressed air is fed into the unit through a venturi system creating a vacuum within the receptacle. The Jet-Vac is not secured to the container, suction alone holds it in position. The Jet-Vac automatically shuts down when the container is full.

Units can be seated on a 200 litre drum, hopper, tank or bowser. Ø2” hose supplied – 2 metres long


Technical Information


* The purchaser shall at it's own costs be responsible for disconnecting, dismantling and removing items purchased from the auction location. If the purchaser is intending to export items purchased at the auction it shall be responsible at its own cost for ensuring compliance with all UK export conditions and the obtaining of any applicable Export Licences.

* Please note all dimensions stated are approximate, however the accuracy cannot be guaranteed and should be verified by the bidder before bidding.

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Time remaining


07 Jan 2021 16:00:00 GMT

Final remove by date: 21/Jan/2021

Location: Lancashire

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