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Lot 1 - Mazak FH-4800 Twin Pallet Horizontal Machining Centre (2004)


This machine was purchased in good condition, fully working in December 2020 from a reputable FTSE100 manufacturing company in Cheltenham.
The machine was well maintained and was only sold to clear space for a brand new machine.
The machine has been dismantled, moved and sited at our facility. There is currently no power to the machine. The machine is reluctantly being put up for re-sale due to a large contract falling through. The machine and tool magazine were separated prior to moving and remains in this state, ready to load onto transport.

* The purchaser shall at it's own costs be responsible for disconnecting, dismantling and removing items purchased from the auction location. If the purchaser is intending to export items purchased at the auction it shall be responsible at its own cost for ensuring compliance with all UK export conditions and the obtaining of any applicable Export Licences.

* Please note all dimensions stated are approximate, however the accuracy cannot be guaranteed and should be verified by the bidder before bidding.

Bid information

Time remaining


10 Mar 2021 15:00:00 GMT

Final remove by date: 25/Mar/2021

Serial Number: 166566

Location: Gloucestershire

Lot location

Transport information

  • Weight: 8900kg
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